
Claims under your Elite Rowing insurance cover

Elite Rowing insurance prides itself on having one of the best reputations in the market for settling claims quickly and fairly.


This comes from over 20 years experience of insuring boats and clubs and the knowledge that specialist craft need specialist repairers with the skill, pride and craftsmanship to produce results customers will be delighted with.

Elite Rowing insurance uses a carefully selected nationwide network of loss adjusters and repairers, so if the unthinkable does happen you will be guided through the claim process by an experienced team whose goal is to get you back on the water as quickly as possible and to make you pleased that you chose us to be your insurers.


If you need to claim, you must tell us immediately


When something has happened that may give rise to a claim you must send by either email, letter or fax a written statement providing full details of what happened, where and when, together with details of any Third Party involved and witnesses.

If possible please provide photographs of the damaged boat or equipment.

Please obtain an estimate for repair or replacement and if at all possible by means of using photographs obtain a comparison quotation.

It is a policy condition that all claims must be reported within 30 days of the incident date but earlier notification is always helpful.


Contact Details:


Phone no. 01732 228711


Address: Wharf House, Medway Wharf Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1R.